‘Storytelling for eyes, ears and a heart’

(book review)

Our life is full of stories. You can tell anything using the art of storytelling. No matter what you want to write about, it will be much more marvelous if you wrap this information in a good story. It is the emotional and personal story, not dry facts, that attracts and persuades the readers.

In this book Mark Livin, a Ukrainian author and journalist, explains the art of storytelling and how to use it in your writing, so your ideas will be understood and admired.

‘Storytelling…’ contains a brief description of history of storytelling, chapters about what to write and several chapters about how to write. Also, there are a lot of narrations about storytelling by different Ukrainian authors like Lubko Deresh, Kateryna Babkina, Andriy Bashtovyi, etc. I found this book extremely enthusiastic. You can’t help but want to sit down and try to write some special story about yourself. All the chapters prove to you that writing is actually not so complicated as it seems. It’s not about what to say and how to construct sentences, but it’s about observing, analyzing the world and expressing your thoughts and feelings about it.

However, this book may be a disappointment. I expected some exact tips, directions and lessons on the process of creating a text. And I did not find any. Even though I felt inspired after reading ‘Storytelling…’, I couldn’t change my habits and still experience some troubles with pro writing.

In conclusion, ‘Storytelling for eyes, ears and a heart’ is excellent, entertaining and exciting book I recommend you to read. Although, I would advise you not to perceive it as an instruction to writing, but as some kind of enjoyable emotion experience. Eventually, it is about emotions and feelings!

Review in stars: ★★★ (4/5)

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