Timeless. Ruby Red. Kerstin Gier

(book review)

What do you mean, a ghost? The Honorable James Augustus Peregrine Pympoole-Bothame, heir to the fourteenth Earl of Hardsdale, is taking no insults from young girls!”
― Kerstin Gier, Ruby Red 

I will say right away that I give this book 7/10. This is a fascinating fantasy story about a girl who became a time traveler.

Her life from gray and mundane turns into the complete opposite – it is saturated with fibs, full of the first adventures in time and the first big secrets, which she needs to know. Her life hangs on the thin thread of these events, and along with it, a whole plot line of romance about teenage love is revealed.

But looking at this book objectively, I can say that the plot is a bit boring and sometimes predictable. Having read many teenage books, I can say that most of them are also of the same type; however, this is not a reason to increase their number. I read better books, of course. However, the book is quite good, so I recommend it to anyone who likes books about time travel and teenage first love.

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