Why is it good to feel pain?


What is pain? Scientists explain this term as “a kind of feeling that arises as a result of strong irritations of the nervous system. It is a symptom of many diseases.” But for each meaning of the word ‘pain’ there is another interpretation. People are used to subsuming almost all their problems and the quality of actions that cause them discomfort under this word. And is it so?

Let’s start with what we “pain” for.

We need pain for relief. A paradox. But all this is easily explained. For example, when we touch a hot kettle with our hands, for some reason, we immediately remove our hands. Why? Because we immediately feel pain. It is our protector. It is like a fuse of electricity, it immediately reacts to a certain signal in the body.

There are people who suffer from congenital analgesia – this is the body’s inability to feel pain. Many doctors claim that this disease is very harmful to the human body. After all, even some small but quite significant injury that this person will not see and his whole life can hang in the balance.

Psychologically, pain is a reset. It gives a person the opportunity to wake up and understand that he is doing something wrong, because he receives some mental pain. Pain awakens in us what we sometimes don`t even know we have. Innate abilities, qualities, opportunities…

Having analyzed all aspects of this effect, everyone should make their own conclusions. After all, we are all different and feel different pain…

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