Before Dawn

(descriptive essay)

The old oak wood became even denser and denser… Narrow and twisting path looped into eternity… The flashlight flickered slightly yellow glow. The sprawling hands of trees rose ever upwards… Aged roots spread-eagled the ground, looking like ridges of big monsters… The forest smelled of age…

A dark foreboding caught up with me. The tangled heart of this primeval forest knocked even harder… A light wind shook the drops of cold dew. Ominous sounds were heard in the sullen silence… Coils of mist stubbornly climbed in the face… This forest smelled of mystery…

The forest suddenly ended at the edge of the forest… Thick bushes hugged the feet of the trees… Nothing stirred…nothing sang… Suddenly… A thin ray pierced the foggy veil… More and more rays illuminated the wrinkled scene of the glade. The majestic trees stood serenely, basking in the matte glow. The first bird timidly began the aria…Several invisible songbirds picked up… The forest has smelled of new day…

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