Poisoned Love

The review of the film ‘North Wind’ by Renata Litvinova

An influential clan in the Northern Fields, ruled by strong women, has a sacramental tradition that family members recreate every New Year. Everyone gathers in the family home, where they drank champagne with secret desires during the chimes that had previously been written on a piece of paper and burned.

Unfortunately, not all wishes come true, because it can lead to terrible consequences. And it happened once…

It was a turning point in the family: Benedict, the son of one of the housewives of the house, met his destiny, flight attendant Fanny, and brought her to the rest of the family to meet on New Year’s Eve, where everyone was fascinated by this beauty. Familiar with the clan’s tradition, Fanny, who was madly in love with Benedict, wanted a love of death, the beginning of the end of everything: her life, integrity and strength of the clan.

Immediately after that night, Fanny died in a plane crash, Benedict could not survive it and to alleviate his suffering a little, he married Fanny’s sister – Faine. Though it only caused more grief and suffering for all. That event changed everything, it seems that after Fanny’s death, together with her love, she took all the good from the house and all the rot and evil that once lurked began to come out of the corners of this house.

It was as if a black stripe had struck the family: there was chaos and war all around, all the wealth of the clan, which they so carefully hid in the fields, got rotten and helped nothing, the family disintegrated and decomposed before our eyes, and love, which was always associated with good and light, in this case turned around and appeared from the wrong, sick side.

Love began to do evil and destroy everything around. Obsessed with love for her husband Faini, despite all the humiliation in the family and contempt for her husband, continues to hold on to him. Not letting him go, his mother Margarita destroyed not only herself but also Benedict. She loved her son and could not stand his grief, as well as the grief of his own son Hugo, who grew up seeing only the indifference of his father and the suffering of his mother.

All this caused tragic and cruel events that would end and forever divide the great clan. By the end of the film, there were only three family members left – Benedict, who went mad with love for his dead lover; Margarita, who because of her strong love for her son, for his will and happiness went to murder; Hugo, who could not stand and did not forgive Margarita’s betrayal…These last relative in the clan, broke with family ties forever and went to eternal war with each other.

‘Northern Wind’ is a fairy-tale film by Rinata Litvinova, the talented film director, who, thanks to its imagery and outspokenness, gave a feeling of charm around. The director has so skillfully populated her film with images and incompatible details that viewers cannot say anything precise about this film. They can’t even give a historic period of this film, because it combines both old epochs — castles, candles, telephones of former times, and modernity — plastic surgery and airplanes. Also, you cannot determine the reality of this film, because it combines both fantasy and the realities of life.

The storyline is splendid, relevant today, and keeps you in suspense until the very end. There is always a feeling of incomplete understanding of what is happening, a certain misunderstanding, which makes you think. And the idea of ​​film director Rinata Litvinova is really more relevant now than ever, because the world and the concept of love have changed a lot, instead of light and good feelings, we have an obsession and malice that can make us kill and go crazy.

The exact way of how Rinata managed to convey this problem, as well as to show it not verbally, but through the images and conjectures of viewers, certainly deserves recognition. Of course, this would not have been possible without talented actors who lived it through and played it so realistically, the film starred: Ulyana Dobrovska, Sofia Ernest, Anton Shagin.

It is clear that there are weak points in the film, such as certain gaps in the plot, when you are not sure if you understood everything, and the feeling that you missed something in the course of events and now there is a certain misunderstanding of what is happening, but the strengths certainly compensate all gaffes and peccadilloes.

So, the film is definitely worth looking. The storyline, the acting and the work of other employees are really high. In general, the film deserves 8/10.

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