“E-learning in the Internet age is learning tomorrows skill`s today”
(Unknown E-learner from KUBG)

Digital learning is the obtainment of skills and knowledge through study or experience aid by innovation that gives students the appliances of control over time and place. As David Warlick said, “We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.” Also, digital learning means a number of software tools that teachers can use to make students study more effectively. For example, audio-visual aids which are well-known as the most effective teaching aid in this nowadays education system. As a matter of fact, when you hear the information, you will remember it for a few days but when you see it, the information will be stockpiled for many days and you will be able to retrieve it step by step at any moment.

It could be said that the teacher in this situation is the third wheel because the digital tools and students are the main characters. Not at all! The teacher is always a teacher. No one can change it. When the digital classroom is set up and developed teachers’ role increases as a guide and the basic responsibility remains the same. She has to prepare and plan well for more effective learning. Moreover, with digital learning teachers can be in kilometers from the student but it does not affect the learning process at all. Even Bill Gates said “Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is most important.”

At the same time, schools and teachers are claimed by people that new technologies and constantly digital learning give more freedom and ways to distract students. But it is not true either. There are a lot of benefits of digital learning. Firstly, interactive methods are more interesting for learning. That is why new methods are preferred by students all around the world. Secondly, it helps students to understand the whole topic because they can pause and repeat everything that they do not understand for the first time. I believe that digitalization can make almost everything better so education will become even more interesting for everyone.

On balance, we must move only forward in every sense of the phrase. And now digitalization is our future so we should understand that it helps us so much that changes increase exponentially. In conclusion, there is no reason to be afraid of something new! Everything is changing all the time. And most of the time is for the best. So I believe in the power of new methods. Our future will be full of really bright people. All of them are the present day e-learners!

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